Monday, 25 November 2013

Line dance

Dance Term 4
We are learning to: express ourselves creatively through dance.

To be successful we need to:
Learn the specific steps to the dance
Keep in time to the music
Follow instructions
Try our best

Term 4 Music

WALT - create a piece of music using a 4-beat pattern.

We know we have done this when we can clap beat using symbols.

We can work with a partner to present a pattern to the class.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Discovery - Key Competencies

Key Competency: Thinking
How did you use your Thinking skills today?
"I had to try hard to get my giraffe correct."

Term 4 CARE Values

I am really pleased how you try hard to do your best always, Amber!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Self Portrait

We are learning to draw self-portraits in the style of Matisse.
We will know we can do this when we can:
Use bold colours and patterns in a background
Draw a black line around the outside of self-portrait to emphasise colour
Include all facial features
Draw and correctly place all facial features
Begin to show other facial features such as eyelashes and earrings

Amber's Voice -"I like that my picture is really colourful and my T- shirt is pink and red.  I did a nice background like Matisse. Next Step: I will use more colours." Amber's Voice -"I like that my picture is really colourful and my T- shirt is pink and red.  I did a nice background like Matisse. Next Step: I will use more colours."

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Topic - Venn Diagram

Change - Plants and Seeds

We are learning to understand that:
Scientists follow a specific process and ask questions that lead to investigations.
Plants need many things to move through the life cycle.

We will be able to:
Show the life cycle of a plant.
Label the parts of a plant.
Classify objects using a Venn diagram

We will know we can do this when we can:
Draw pictures that depict the life cycle of plants.
Understand and describe how plants make their own food from water, air (CO2) and sunlight (photosynthesis).
Sort and classify leaves into categories of our own making and independently represent these in a Venn diagram.

Amber's Voice, " I learnt you could put anything in a Venn diagram.  I put skinny and fat leaves. Next Step is to try and put leaves into differnt colours."

Sunday, 16 June 2013


Narratives- Fractured Fairy tales

We are learning to write a fictional narrative by adapting a fairy tale.

We will know we can do this when we can..
Follow the Writing Process – planning, draft copy, editing and publishing
Have a title
Write three paragraphs: an Orientation, a Complication and a Resolution
Write in past tense
Use direct speech (dialogue)
Use onomatopoeia, questions and similes to create pictures with words and build suspense

Amber said, "I learnt to do similes to make the story more better.  I learnt to start my story with a question to make it more interesting.  I learnt to put ... (ellipsis) when something  is scary and something is going to happen.  I learnt onomatopoeia is word that is a sound like cluck, cluck, cluck. Next Step: I'm going to put more writing and more descriptive words in it."

Statistical Investigations

WALT: collect data, construct a graph, and discuss the results.
Success Criteria: I will know I can do this when I can:
·      Know what data is
·      Pose questions for investigation
·      Collect data
·      Use tally marks
·      Make a pictograph
·      Make a bar graph
·      Ask and answer questions about the graph

Amber's Voice:
“I asked which pet do you like best – dogs, cats, rabbits or birds? My graph shows that 8 people like dogs, 2 like cats, 2 like rabbits and 3 like birds.  The most popular animal is dogs. Next time I'm going to put more animals in and ask people which they want to buy and keep."

Friday, 7 June 2013


We are learning to recount events that happened in the past.

We know we can do this when we can:
·    Follow the Writing Process
·    Have a title
·    Write: an orientation telling when, who, what and where the event happened, a     sequence of events using and a personal comment to conclude the recount
·    Use the past tense
·    Use a lot of different descriptive words to make our recount more interesting
·    Start my sentences in different ways

Amber's Voice - "I used lots of descriptive words.  I learnt my to start my story with a question.  I love my story." 

Next Step: Edit my work for correct punctuation and meaning and then publish my stories."

By Amber

Have you ever woken up on a cold winter’s day?  I have.  I ran down the cold stairs.   I looked out the window.  It was snowing.  I ran up the steps then I got into my warm clothes.  I went outside.  It was cold.  Then I ran inside.  I got a hot chocolate. Suddenly I heard a ‘sh sh sh’.  It was the snow coming down!  I made a sparkly snowman with my brother Reuben.  The snowman had a shiny black hat and a stripy wool scarf.  He had a smiley face made from a banana and blue eyes made from stones.  The wind blew the scarf around like a tornado.  The snow on the ground looked like a sparkly white blanket.  My dog came out and knocked the snowman over.  I felt sad so I built an igloo and the dog went inside it.  Then it started hailing and hailstones hit my head, OUCH!  I ran inside as fast as a cheetah.  It was awesome day.

Conflict Unit

We are learning to understand that:
  • there are many perspectives and types of conflict
  • there are a variety of ways to deal with conflict
We will know we can do this when we can:
  • use several strategies to make an \"I feel... when you...\" statement during conflict and know when and why to use them.
  • teach others to make an \"I feel... when you...\" statement during conflict.
  • act as a role model for others to help them make an \"I feel... when you...\" statement during conflict
  • seek feedback on how to improve making an \"I feel... when you...\" statement during conflict.
Amber's Voice - "I learnt to use I statements.  I am good at using I statements."